Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Quip – EssbeeCon Quilt – Top Completed

Good Day,

The top of our new and original EssbeeCon quilt has been completed. The borders have been attached. Take a gander.

Thanks for the many suggestions regarding the possibility of quilting design. We have decided that in keeping of the geometric nature of EssbeeCon configuration that we needed a simple and complementary quilting configuration.

The approximate dimensions of EssbeeCon are now nearing 85” by 85” before the addition of the binding. The backing has been selected. It will balance the top, and again it will be a solid shade of color.

And a couple more images.

We will be using three methods of sewing to complete our EssbeeCon: freeform Longarm; freeform domestic; and hand stitching.

Stay tuned for our updates as we round the corner to completion.

Also check out, if you are interested, my two other blogs, A Genealogy Hunt and Jim’s Trek.


Jim and Andy


Little Bluebell (Adrianne) said...

This is just gorgeous!

Jim Smith said...

Thank you Adrianne. Jim and Andy.