Is seems to me that I have been mildly chastised, to a degree, for using the word “Ugly” to describe our first quilt… It’s the one on which I am very comfortably sitting, on my chair at my PC.
As a side, I can say that maybe this first quilt has provided me with a stroke of luck… My chair at my PC desk has not exploded… and Bella certainly likes to rest herself with me, as I attempt to type.
Well this morning I received a Twitter message regarding a piece of art for sale on Etsy. The message is “So ugly it’s beautiful. I think.” I checked out the link and the Twitterer is correct.
The objet d’art is, how can I say… in the eyes of this beholder… is not too appealing to my optical senses. The item, labeled “So Ugly Its Beautiful Jar” looks to me as if someone in the kitchen was making their annual fruit cake, and the fruit peel concoction exploded… and this white container jar just happened to be in the way. I, personally, tend to agree with the Twitterer. (Here’s the Etsy link to the “So Ugly Its Beautiful Jar”…)
And where am I leading with this finger-pecking rambling? Our next quilt, OP Ornament may just fit into the category of, “Well is it, or isn’t?” It is our original design and it also is our “Mystery Quilt”; that is for the moment. The fabric cutting has been done and not including the border, binding, and backing, there are 960 pieces to sew together. The largest piece is 10" by 10", and the smallest is 1" by 1". Should prove interesting, to say the least.
Stay tuned.
And enjoy,
Click here to continue reading...The objet d’art is, how can I say… in the eyes of this beholder… is not too appealing to my optical senses. The item, labeled “So Ugly Its Beautiful Jar” looks to me as if someone in the kitchen was making their annual fruit cake, and the fruit peel concoction exploded… and this white container jar just happened to be in the way. I, personally, tend to agree with the Twitterer. (Here’s the Etsy link to the “So Ugly Its Beautiful Jar”…)
And where am I leading with this finger-pecking rambling? Our next quilt, OP Ornament may just fit into the category of, “Well is it, or isn’t?” It is our original design and it also is our “Mystery Quilt”; that is for the moment. The fabric cutting has been done and not including the border, binding, and backing, there are 960 pieces to sew together. The largest piece is 10" by 10", and the smallest is 1" by 1". Should prove interesting, to say the least.
Stay tuned.
And enjoy,