And the pitter, patter, plunking of 24 feet is a constant this weekend. Moxon, Tobi, Taylor, Harbor, Bella and Tinker… If one would graphically plot their bursts of enthusiasm against the promise of food and the mail truck. It would be down, then up, then up, then down, then down, and up, and up again and then finally down. (There is a postman who lives a couple of houses down… and he has a very old mail truck.)
Well I accomplished the “I-will-never-ever-do-that-in-my-life-time” act. I was adding the images of Café au Lait to my Quilt Grid on my front page of my Blog… and I inadvertently deleted the Grid. You can imagine the pain of dread that just settled over my body. I was doing the additions straight to Quilts SB on Blogger. I hadn’t made a back-up, and Blogger does not have any apparent backup procedures. Damn… not at Blogger, but at myself, and racing through my grey matter, “I-told-you-so, I-told-you-so.”
Eight hours later, I finished the re-creation of our Quilts Grid. All 51 quilts are back in the table format for your easy viewing. I’m still looking and waiting to get images of six more of our earlier creations. Quilts currently in progress include: Orange Peel Indian Summer; Tango 3; Bayberry; Kanzashi; Deer Lake; Continuance; PJs & Packages; Christmas Morning I; Christmas Morning II; and Rainbow Glass.
Stay tuned,
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