Sunday, January 10, 2016

My Quip – Elation – Continued Progress

Good Day,

Andy and I decided that we would continue to keep a photo journal of our construction and progress of our work on our new quilt and wall hanging Elation.

Elation - Strip #4 added - JS AB

We’re excited as we can now see the combination of the fabrics and the colors as they are pieced together.

Elation - Strip #5 added - JS AB

And the color effect begins to take hold.

We’re collecting the bits and scraps of the cuts. Who knows if they may be used in another project at some point?

Working on Strip #3.

And here are Strips #1 and #2.

Andy and I have worked long enough together as we sometimes use our own numbering systems. It must be a mirrored design to the construction thing.

If you look carefully at my original Phase 1 draft what I number as #s 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 Andy has numbered the strip as #1. Our partnership is an understanding of who means what by what when and where. If that makes any modicum of sense? There is a translation somewhere in the mix.

Elation - Phase 1 draft and design - JS AB

Please feel free to email Andy and me at Quilts SB if you have any questions, comments, thoughts, ideas.


Jim and Andy

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