Walking The Pack, there appears to be twice the number of squirrels and possums roaming the yards and trees. Of course, when I walk four canines; two Rat Terriers; a Manchester Terrier (+ or -), and a Labrador Retriever, all believe that each is the neighborhood’s resident rodent catcher. And spectacularly they decide to chase a rodent each in all directions of the compass.
As I am walking and managing myself as a human May pole, recipes for dinner are racing through my head. Squirrel Mulligan Stew, maybe? What about Grilled Possum Mulligan Stew?
Well I am not into trapping, catching, skinning, and cleaning ferocious wild critters. Guess I’m no Beverly Hillbilly. Nor am I an 1899 hobo squatting around an open fire… Check out Mulligan Stew on Wikipedia. Mulligan Stew appears to have roots, no pun intended, in Ireland.
But I did come across a 1978 Family Circle recipe for Cod Mulligan. And of course, we didn’t have any cod. Just Swai. Vietnamese catfish. Bacon, Vidalia onions, Red potatoes, Carrots, Lima beans, Chicken broth, Celery seed, Salt, and Cornstarch. Great Swai Mulligan… The food choice world is just getting smaller - Irish Vietnamese Stew.
We are in at a pause in our quilting work. Replacement tracks for our longarm machine are on order. The domestic machines and computers are being kept busy.
Here is our current Quilts SB quilts and wall hangings in progress.
Jim and Andy
Click here to continue reading...But I did come across a 1978 Family Circle recipe for Cod Mulligan. And of course, we didn’t have any cod. Just Swai. Vietnamese catfish. Bacon, Vidalia onions, Red potatoes, Carrots, Lima beans, Chicken broth, Celery seed, Salt, and Cornstarch. Great Swai Mulligan… The food choice world is just getting smaller - Irish Vietnamese Stew.
We are in at a pause in our quilting work. Replacement tracks for our longarm machine are on order. The domestic machines and computers are being kept busy.
Here is our current Quilts SB quilts and wall hangings in progress.
- The Amulet – Reworking quilting
- Astro-Physics – Pieced and in design
- Blumish – Pieced and in design. Working with superimposition.
- Mauk II – In construction
- Blue Chambray – Top and embroidery completed
- I Really Love Lucy – In design. Quilting pattern developed
- Who Did Desi Adore? – 84 of 96 blocks completed
- Gunta Stölz – In design
- Rán – In design
- Joseph’s Coat – Top completed
- Joseph’s Ladder Pants – Pieced and in design
- Batique OM I - In construction
- Batique OM II – In construction
- Civil War Re-enactment II – In design
- Just Trees – Back completed. Painting in process
- Orange Peel Indian Summer – Top competed
- Hexi-Abuelita – Template chosen
- Pocket Full of Miracles – In design
- Gran’s Reminiscences – In design
- Eagle – Design completed and fabric colors chosen
- Test 40 – Design in process,Thread and 18 fabrics chosen
- EssbeeMod – Design in process, 10 fabrics chosen
Jim and Andy