Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Quip - MQX Continues - An Amazing Quilt

Good Day,

The show and display of quilts and wall hangings at MQX West 2012, in Portland, Oregon, is certainly mind-boggling. There are just too many for this one's puny brain to comprehend the hours of work and techniques that some of these tremendous quilt artists put in.

My commendations and heart-felt thanks to the amazing MQX organization created and presented by Janet Lee, Mary and all involved and concerned.

Upon entering the MQX Convention Hall, I check out the quilts and wall hangings and am attracted to those many and certain wonderful works that immediately catch my eye. One such work is Laurie Tigner's Silver Madonna - 1.

For some deep-seated reason, there has always been some mystical attraction for me to Byzantine religious icons. And Laurie Tigner's fabric production is just that melding of the silver and fabric. As Laurie mentioned in her summary description "This is my attempt to translate a hammered silver icon into a quilt using silver lamé spandex..." In my opinion, Laurie definitely was successful.. Laurie completed all the piecing and the quilting. A wonderful accomplishment.

Should you get a chance to make a trip to MQX West 2012 in Portland to see and admire the quilts and wall hangings, please do.




Mom said...

this quilt is made from silver swimsuit fabric!

Jim Smith said...

Margaret, Quote the quilt artist "silver lamé spandex"... and from my eyes, beautiful work. Jim