I suppose a lot has been happening in our quilting world… especially in light of the fact that we do, fingers crossed, have our air-conditioning back.
NCBB Quilt is now in the sandwich stage and has been mounted to the Rack. All-things-being-equal the quilting will be completed by the beginning of next week.
Colored Windows II had been completed and all the paperwork has been submitted for entry to MQX West 2011. We’re sitting on pins and needles, no pun intended, as to whether our quilt will be accepted to be displayed at the MQX West show at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon.
Colored Windows II is now also listed at our Quilts SB Etsy site.
Two of our quilts, Born This Way and Provence, are being entered for display at the Cabarrus Quilters Guild Splash of Color Fiber Art and Quilt Show 2011. This show will be held at the Cabarrus Arena & Events Center in Concord, North Carolina.
The design of Coral Steps has been chosen to create a new adaptation and quilt called Dazzled Steps. Stay-tuned for the developing details. The inserted image is of one of the fabrics that will be included in this new endeavor.
A series of black and white printed fabrics have been selected for the creation of our first quilt and wall hanging of our new Cathedral Windows Series.
Mondrian I is next in line to be quilted. I am thinking about adapting a free-form crackle effect to give each window panel that “antique glass” type consequence. Just a thought.
A number of other new designs are in the make. Stay-tuned and keep checking our updates at Quilts SB.
Check out our current available quilts at Quilts SB Etsy.
To see previously posted quilts, there is a visual Grid presentation at the bottom of the Quilts SB page. Move your cursor over any mini-picture found there and click to see an enlargement. Move your cursor to the "Q#" link to see the quilt's details. If the quilt’s title is highlighted in yellow or in red, it has found a home in a collection and is no longer available.
If you are interested, and would like some more information of any available quilts, regarding costs, shipping, and insurance, please check our Quilts SB Etsy Shop.
If you have any questions and/or comments please feel free to get in touch with me via email.
Jim and Andy
Click here to continue reading...Two of our quilts, Born This Way and Provence, are being entered for display at the Cabarrus Quilters Guild Splash of Color Fiber Art and Quilt Show 2011. This show will be held at the Cabarrus Arena & Events Center in Concord, North Carolina.
A series of black and white printed fabrics have been selected for the creation of our first quilt and wall hanging of our new Cathedral Windows Series.
Mondrian I is next in line to be quilted. I am thinking about adapting a free-form crackle effect to give each window panel that “antique glass” type consequence. Just a thought.
A number of other new designs are in the make. Stay-tuned and keep checking our updates at Quilts SB.
Check out our current available quilts at Quilts SB Etsy.
To see previously posted quilts, there is a visual Grid presentation at the bottom of the Quilts SB page. Move your cursor over any mini-picture found there and click to see an enlargement. Move your cursor to the "Q#" link to see the quilt's details. If the quilt’s title is highlighted in yellow or in red, it has found a home in a collection and is no longer available.
If you are interested, and would like some more information of any available quilts, regarding costs, shipping, and insurance, please check our Quilts SB Etsy Shop.
If you have any questions and/or comments please feel free to get in touch with me via email.
Jim and Andy