Monday, June 24, 2013

My Quip - Tampa Kaleidoscope - The String Begins

Good Day,

All the individual strips with each half-hexagon has been completed for our Tampa Kaleidoscope. We have now begun the process of piecing and matching the halves of the hexagons together. This will create the next phase of our Tampa Kaleidoscope, the strips of full-hexagons.

In order to piece the two strips of half-hexagons together, to ensure an almost perfectly lined up hexagon of six equilateral triangles, each strip is pinned together as close as possible to each opposite seam and corresponding match.

At this point in our construction our Tampa Kaleidoscope will approximate the dimensions of: Width - 85” (216 cms) and Length - 90” (229 cms). All-things-being-equal these measurements do not include the border(s) and binding.

Here is a quick reminder of the three colorways of the original Tampa fabric designed for and produced by Keep Me In Stitches.

Thanks to Bruce Seeds and Maxine Rosenthal for their work and publications on the workings of Kaleidoscope quilts and wall-hangings.

Stay tuned to our progress and updates. We are currently working on proposals for some new quilts. If you are interested in any of our quilts or wall hangings in The Grid and if you would like to consider a new quilt or wall hanging, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Quilts SB.


Jim and Andy
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Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Quip - Tampa Kaleidoscope - Quilt Progress

Good Day,

Progress continues on our Tampa Kaleidoscope quilt.

The pieced half-hexagons are now being pieced into strips. The strips will be then matched up together to create the completed hexagons.

All-things-being equal, we are proposing that the eventual size of our Tampa Kaleidoscope will approximate a queen-size quilt. We are now determining the type, color, and shape of the borders, background, backing, and quilting.

Follow our status on Quilts SB.  Check out our previous and recent postings regarding the progress of Tampa Kaleidoscope.

Please feel free to contact us with comments, questions, and ideas.


Jim and Andy
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Quip – Astro-Physics – The Top is Completed

Good Day,

The construction of the top of our Astro-Physics has been completed.

And of course, we’re not going to show you a complete picture at this junction in our creation of this new quilt and wall-hanging.

We are extremely pleased at what we have accomplished, based on the inspiration of Jacqueline de Jonge’s Fly Away. As compared to Jacqueline’s superb Fly Away, we have increased the number of planets and stars in our Astro-Physics from 11 to 19.

A couple more quick peeks of Astro-Physics.

To follow our work on our Astro-Physics link to the following postings.

My Quip – Astro-Physics Quilt Border Design and Construction in Progress

My Quip – Andy and I Do Have Our Personal Quilt and Crochet Critic

My Quip – Astro-Physics Quilt Wall Hanging – The Clustering of Planets Begin

My Quip – Astro-Physics Update – Nine More Planets and Stars Completed

My Quip – Progress Continues – Astro-Physics – Quilt

Next, the creation of the quilt and the determination of the quilting design. Stay-tuned and follow our progress.


Jim and Andy
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Friday, June 7, 2013

My AIP – Double Entendre – Afghan To Date

Good Day,

And as soon as I bring out the camera, Radar, aka Ready, must zone in with his detector ears and comes scurrying to check out what I am doing.

Progress continues on Double Entendre, afghan.

The interior top now measures approximately 48” (122 cms) wide and 60” (153 cms) long. Including the perimeter border it should be about 52” (132 cms) wide and 64” (163 cms) long. To date I have used four pounds of Coran yarn and I’ve broken open the fifth one.

Here are a couple of additional images of Double Entendre.

Check out our first posting – My AIP – Double Entendre – Afghan in Progress.

I guess the grey-matter cells stored in the cob-webbed alleys of my cerebrum are beginning to kick in. Even the way I hold the yarn, in my left hand must be imprinted somewhere in my temporal lobes.

Stay tuned for the development of our new site, Afghans SB. Keep posted.


Jim and Andy
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Monday, June 3, 2013

My Quip – Astro-Physics Quilt Border Design and Construction in Progress

Good Day,

Andy and I have designed, decided on the sequencing, and have begun the construction of the primary border for our Astro-Physics quilt.

This is sort of something new for us. We are combining a number of techniques of traditional, contemporary, modern, and art quilting that we have learned from the experts and from our research. This should prove interesting… and the way we are constructing the border is that if we don’t like it, we catch ditch it… No pun intended.

We have been working on ideas for the quilting of Astro-Physics. The books are out and we are looking for quilting both to compliment the design of the planets and the stars as well as to off-set the negative space…

Make sure you check out our previous posts of our journey with Astro-Physics. If you have any comments, thoughts, and ideas, please fell to contact us.


Jim and Andy.
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