Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Q112 – Cosmo’s Moon – Quilt and Wall Hanging

Good Day,

Andy and I have completed our 112th recorded quilt and wall-hanging – Cosmo’s Moon.

The idea for Cosmo’s Moon began last October 2012 when Andy and I were in Portland, Oregon at MQX. We heard that the theme for HMQS 2013 was to be “That’s Amoré”. We immediately thought of Dean Martin singing the song at the beginning and the end of the 1987 movie “Moonstruck”. And the scene we thought of was Raymond and Rita Cappomaggi looking out the window at Cosmo’s Moon.

And I immediately sketched our Cosmo's Moon, on my iPad, so as not to forget the idea.

I took my draft drawing to the SewBatik booth and MQX West and we were able to acquired two fabrics that we hoped would assist with our idea and construction.  When we returned home I sketched a quick pattern with my ideas of the strip piecing.

The dimensions for our Cosmo’s Moon are: Width 55” (139.7 cms) and Length – 56 ½” (143.5 cms). The fabric construction is of two fabrics from SewBatik of Mayville, North Dakota. The moon and the sky are constructed from one fabric, Nuance – Silver. The silhouettes of the tree and the buildings, I believe, were recreated from the fabric Batik-Spray – Deep Wisteria.

Here are some more images of our finished Cosmo’s Moon. (Click on each image to enlarge.)

And the back. (Click on each image to enlarge.)

Work on our Cosmo’s Moon is detailed at the following posts on Quilts SB. Check out the links.

My Quip – Cosmo’s Moon – Quilting in Progress

My Quip – Cosmo’s Moon – Update and Progress

My Quip – Cosmo’s Moon – Update

My Quip – Cosmo’s Moon – And Then There Were 10 – Fitting In?

My Quip – Cosmo’s Moon – And Then There Were Four

My Quip – Cosmo’s Moon –The Strip Piecing Has Begun

Stay tuned for the further stories of Cosmo's Moon. And tonight I will watch Moonstruck and bay at the moon.


Jim and Andy

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